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25 US dollars1 hr
Starting at $1001 hr
Starting at $401 hr 15 min
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Starting at $1001 hr
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About Yoga Farming
What is Yoga Farming? Yoga Farming was developed by Jill do O as a way of gardening through yoga movement.
The class is based around a farm experience where you cultivate and/or harvest produce while doing yoga poses. The class is 1.5 hours long, consisting of yoga farming practice for one hour and a restorative half hour closing. Additional activities may be available after the class such as garlic braiding, bruschetta tasting, pumpkin carving and more.
When are Classes Offered? Yoga Farming is a seasonal experience starting in May and runs through October. There are several different varities of produce that you can enjoy, depending on what is in season. Check out our current Classes Section to see this year's list of offerings. Yoga Farm Shares are available for the whole season, participating in one class a week for one month or for the full 6 months. Discounts apply for Farm Share members.
What Can I Expect? Be prepared to allow your body and mind to be immersed in the beauty of nature. You will be moving in and around the earth, so expect to get dirty. Please feel free to bring your own Yoga mats and gloves, if you prefer not to feel the earth directly under your hands and feet. However, it is highly recommended to be one with the earth. You can bring your own additional props for the restorative portion of the class. Yoga Farming props and mats are cleaned after each class.
The vegetables you harvest during class can be taken home with you. We will also have a share going to a needy family each week.
Additional produce may be purchased.
Feed your body and your soul through Yoga Farming.

Jill do O'
Jill grew up on a produce and dairy farm and has been practicing yoga for over 13 years. She received her yoga teacher certificate in 2019. Jill enjoys gardening and being in nature. She wanted to combine her two passions together and developed Yoga Farming to share with others.